Most summits kind of suck.
Many are boring, unengaging, non-interactive, and a poor use of your time.
I don't run that kind of summit.
I run awesome summits.
I run the kind of summits that speakers attend from beginning to end.
I run summits that you leave with connections, opportunities, and leads.
I run summits that you'd actually want to attend.
I run what I call Awesome Virtual Interactive Summits or AVIEs
Why Have an AVIE Run For You?
- You do no work to make it happen. I do all the work. You just show up and look good.
- Grow your audience
- Increase your authority
- Connect with ten or more potential JV partners
- Have fun
In this webinar, you will learn the key concepts that I apply in my summits to make them fun, engaging, and powerful.
I will share the details of the events, the value that you can expect to achieve by running one, and what it would look like for me to do it for you.
I will share with you the tools you need to do it yourself, and I will make an offer to share how you can hire me to do it for you.
This will be an interactive webinar, and you will have the opportunity to engage and ask questions.

Creating a summit is a lot of work.
You need to find the speakers, set up all the web pages, create the reminder sequence, write the swipe copy, manage the speakers so they promote, run the event, and so much more.
Even some "done-for-you" services still expect you to go find your own speakers.
That feels a lot like a restaurant expecting you to bring your own food for them to cook.
When I say done-for-you, I mean Done For You!
My clients need to do three things:
1) Make clear what kind of summit they want in terms of target audience and goals.
2) Attend the Speaker Meeting so they can network with the speakers (optional)
3) Show up at the event and sound smart
That's it. Hire me and show up.
Want to learn more? Join me at the info session!

About Your Host
Michael Whitehouse is The Fun Virtual Events Guy. Frustrated with how boring, unengaging, and uninteresting many online events were, he decided to do it his own way. Turns out his own way was pretty popular, and now he looks forward to sharing that way with you and your audience.
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